24-28 Jun 2024 Eindhoven (Netherlands)

Submission portal for GeMSS

This is the submission portal for GeMSS (https://gemss.ai/), powered by Sciencesconf, the conference management platform of French academia. To submit your application, you'll need to start by creating a Scienceconf account (if you already have a HAL account, that'll suffice), then create a new submission.



Submission instructions

 Please prepare a single PDF file that contains the following information in the given order:

  • one A4 page describing your research, preferably in a poster format;
  • a one page CV;
  • students only: a one-page letter of confirmation that you are a PhD student from your supervisor.

Then, create a new submission with your name as the title, and a short introduction of two/three sentences as Abstract, introducing yourself (e.g. "I am a second-year PhD student at (...) working on (...). I'd like to follow this summer school because (...). I'd like to present my work on (...) as poster.").

Then, add your affiliation, and any author(s) of your poster if needed. Finally, upload the pdf.

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